Uterine fibroids which are basically fibrous tissue growing inside or just outside the uterus are quite common in in women between the ages of 35 and 40. Fibroids appear to be hereditary. Other contributing risk factors include a high-fat diet, alcohol consumption, B-vitamin deficiency, stress and excess weight. In this article I am going to discuss about herb based natural uterine fibroid treatment methods to prevent surgery and recurrence of fibroid.
Fibroids are easiest to treat when they are small. However they are very hard to detect at this stage since tiny fibroids rarely produce any symptoms. In fact many women are often unaware of its existence. As fibroid tumors start growing in size they cause increased menstrual bleeding and pain. The large sized ones can also create pressure on the surrounding organs, especially the bladder and kidneys.
Herbal treatment for uterine fibroids is very effective to shrink the size of fibroid tumors. Along with the herbal uterine fibroid treatment it would be worthwhile to use other natural healing methods like acupuncture to speed up things.
Herbs which are effective in treatment for fibroids include
Vitex slows the growth of fibroids and even helps dissolve them by normalizing hormonal imbalances. As fibroids are dissolved, herbs such asprickly ash bark, ginger, cleavers, mullein and burdock assist the lymph and blood systems in eliminating the fibroid tissue.
Regular use of castor oil packs and sitz baths improve blood circulation and help in shrinking fibroids
Castor oil packs are very effective in uterine fibroid treatment and can be used 3-4 times a week for sessions lasting for 30 to 60.
Herbal fibroid treatment methods take time to produce the desired results. While making use of this kind of treatment you must be patient and be prepared to wait.
It is best if your herbal treatment for uterine fibroids is done under the supervision of a qualified practitioner. Since I was unable to find a practitioner close to my residence, I took the help of a 7 step uterine fibroid treatment plan developed by an alternative practitioner. This plan which I procured online worked wonders for me and has helped many women the world over in fibroid cure
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Herbal Uterine Fibroid Treatment Methods To Prevent Surgery And Recurrence Of Fibroids
There's a free fibroid live webinar coming up with UCLA Professor Dr. Bruce McLucas and women across the country, Wednesday, March 31, 5:30 pm, Pacific Time. It lasts about 45 minutes. To register go to http://bit.ly/bvpJyw or call 1.866.362.6463.
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