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The Perfect Unique Gift for a Woman

Whatever your reason for looking for a unique gift for a woman what you choose needs to say you gave it mountains of thought. Women like that kind of thing. So long as there is some thought behind your gift you will have chosen the right thing.

This page will lead you to purchasing a really unique gift for a woman that will leave her breathless.

If you think of the top 5 things a woman would say she would want for a gift one of them would be under the clothing category.

It can be pretty difficult to buy clothes for someone. You might know the size clothes they wear but its impossible to imagine something on until its on, if you know what I mean.

You cannot, provided you are pointed in the right direction, make a wrong decision buying a pair of shoes as a gift. Now I am not talking buying ordinary shoes or even tennis shoes. I am talking about buying a woman the most beautiful pair of Italian designer shoes.

There are just two small things you need to know beforehand and I guarantee with absolute certainty that the woman you present these to will be completely flattered and will probably wail with excitement.

There is nothing scientific or mysterious about the fact that most women have ‘a thing’ for shoes. There is only ONE thing you need to know before you choose this unique gift and that is her shoe size.

Once you have her shoe size you can choose the shoes.

I could say go find any pair of designer shoes but I have specifically chosen Italian designer shoes for a very good reason.

Italians lead the world when it comes to designing womens shoes. A man named Salvatorre Ferragoma stormed the world back in the fifties when he designed the stiletto shoe and since that time Italians have always produced the most beautiful designer shoes.

Most of these shoe ranges are exclusive to particular designer boutiques or designer houses and are not available from anywhere else but direct. This gives you a good indication of their quality.

There’s another funny thing about women. Women like the whole gift experience, the shape of the gift, the presentation and silly things like that. The packaging and presentation you get with designer shoes gives you that whole experience.

All round it’s a pretty sure way of getting the perfect unique gift for a woman.


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